After weeks of intensive making, it is time to turn the studio into an exhibition space.
Netting needle, sisal string
The space felt big, empty, a little daunting but also full of promise. It soon filled up with material and gradually with work. One piece of work suggests another, one form leads to another. Now the space feels too small.
Much of my work is malleable. Many pieces can take several forms, each one offering something different. The possibilities are numerous, almost endless.
The opportunity to work with the height of the studio has been exciting. Even though the string and the rope stretch upwards towards the ceiling, the work is not overpowering. It is open, allowing work beyond to be seen. Layering, allowing the chance for conversations.
Much of the work hangs and sometimes slumps, giving in to gravity more Robert Morris than Louise Bourgeois.
Weaves, assorted fibres
The net has grown and grown and could grow still, in many directions. Already it is no longer simply a rectangle but has grown sideways too. It includes different types of string, some soft and gently to work with, others rough and recalcitrant. Even the knots respond to nature of the fibres.
The final cut could have felt brutal, but the show is only a pause in the making process. It is a time to reflect and to enjoy, knowing that everything will find its way to another studio and perhap into a different work and another show.